Heart Part 2/Transcript (2024)

Heart Part 2/Transcript (3)

Adora: [Wincing]

Creature: [shrieking]

Catra: [Growls, then grunts, attacking the Creature] [Yells] Hey, Adora.

Adora: Catra! You can't be here. It's too dangerous. Shadow Weaver?

Catra: Get Adora to the Heart. I'll take care of this thing. [Attacks the Creature]

Adora: Catra, no!

Catra: I'll catch up, ok? Get to the Heart.

Adora: No, no. Catra!

Scene Change

Glimmer: Dad. no!

Micah: What's wrong, baby girl? I've never felt better. [Attacks Glimmer]

Glimmer: [screams]

Scene change

Bow: [yells] Scorpia, please! We're trying to save you.

Scene Change

Glimmer: Dad, please! It's me, it's Glimmer!

Micah: Oh, I know who you are. My daughter. The weakling. The failure. And so it ends. Pathetic. Alone. Weak.

[A flash of Queen Angella appears on screen]

Glimmer: Mom. [looks to Micah] No. I'm not.

Micah: [Yelling]

Glimmer: My mother raised me to be brave. My friends taught me to be kind. And I'm stubborn. I get that from you. I will never stop fighting! And I won't lose another parent!

Micah: [Gasping]

Glimmer: I love you, Dad. [Grunts]

Micah: [screaming]

Glimmer: [sighs]

Scene Change

[Keyboard clicking]

[Voices whispering indistinctly]

Bow: [giggle of relief] I've got it! [Gasp]

Scorpia: [Fires electricity at Bow]

Bow: Scorpia, it's okay.

[Confirmation sign appears on computer screen]

Bow: Prime may have made you do a lot of things,but he can't turn you into something you're not. So, right now, all I need you to do is trust me.

Scorpia: [Eyes flash back to normal] [Screams]

Bow: [Presses button to send confirmation]

Scorpia: [Groaning]

Scene change

[Sea Hawk is holding Mermista, her chip turns off and falls to the ground]

Scene change

[Camera falls on Huntara, her eyes fading back to normal, she smiles]

Scene change

[Camera falls on sailors and civilians, their eyes fading back to normal]

Scene change

[Cameral falls on civilians, their eyes fading back to normal]

Scene change

Scorpia: [falls to ground, chip falls out of her neck and turns off. She looks up to Bow and hugs him]

Bow: [Grunts]

Scorpia: Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry. [Cradles Bow and puts him down] Did I hurt you? I did not mean to do that.

[Scorpia and Bow share a glance]

Bow: Welcome back. [Hugs Scorpia]

Melog: [Meows]

Scorpia: [Grunts]

Scene change

[The confirmation appears on Horde Prime's screen, he gasps]

Entrapta: [Laughs] My device worked! I knew it would.

Horde Prime: [Growls] Deploy all clone battalions. Get this under control!

[Bow appears on Horde Prime's screen]

Bow: Hey, everyone. I'm Bow. [Bows hologram appears outside, broadcasting his message to all of Etheria] Prime is probably trying to get his channel back. I have to make this quick. [Camera moves, pans over to Lonnie, Kyle, Rogelio, and Hordak's Imp] Prime's controlled the universe for a long time. [Camera moves back to Bow] Right now,we're the only thing standing in the way of him controlling it forever. [Camera moves to George and Lance] You might be feeling hopeless. You might be thinking "We don't stand a chance." And maybe we don't. [Camera moves back to Bow] Prime's too strong. [Camera moves to Glimmer, she turns around to see a Horde clone battalion appearing] His army is too powerful. But that's not gonna stop us. We need to show Prime we're not afraid of him, because we have each other. [Camera moves to Spinnerella and Netossa, they look at each other lovingly] And we have love. [Camera moves to Castaspella, holding unconscious Micah] We can't give up. And if we go down, we go down together. [Camera moves to Bow] We need you. All of you. [Camera moves to Glimmer and The Rebellion] It's time to take back our world. It's time to fight. For She-Ra, for our homes, for each other!

[Bow's broadcast ends, Camera falls back to Horde Prime]

Horde Prime: Put an end to this mockery. [He looks back to his clones with rage] Destroy them all!

Scene change

Catra: [Attacks the Creature, yells]

Creature: [Shrieks]

[The environment turns green with Horde Prime's virus]

Horde Prime: [Chuckles, his hologram appears in front of Catra] Oh, little sister. What a shame. I had such high hopes for you.

[Camera moves to the creature, it attacks Catra]

Catra: [screams]

Scene change

[Shadow Weaver is helping Adora walk down a long corridor, the ceiling rumbles]

Adora: No. No, wait!

Shadow Weaver: Don't lose your focus. We're so close.

[The Heart pulsates with a glowing, rainbow light.]

Adora: [Groans, clutches the Failsafe in pain]

Shadow Weaver: [Gasping]

Catra: [Screams in the distance]

Adora: Catra! [She breaks out of Shadow Weaver's grasp and starts running back towards Catra]

Shadow Weaver: Adora, wait! [She looks back to the Heart]

Scene change

Horde Prime: [hologram] So brave, risking yourself for Adora. But it will make no difference. The Heart is almost mine, and when it is, your Adora will die.

[The Creature picks up Catra and holds her near it's mouth]

Horde Prime: So, tell me,little sister, was it worth it?

[Shadow Weaver casts magic, Catra yells. Horde Prime looks at Shadow Weaver]

Catra: Shadow Weaver?

Shadow Weaver: Take Adora and run! [She attacks the creature with magic]

Catra: What are you...?

Shadow Weaver: I told you to run! Now, run! [She casts magic, blasting Catra back towards the entryway. She casts magic, making a barrier between the room and the corridor]

Catra: [bangs on barrier with fists] Shadow Weaver, no! What are you doing?

Shadow Weaver: Please, Catra. You need to make sure Adora reaches the Heart. The magic must be set free. [Her hold on the Creature breaks, and the Creature shrieks. Shadow Weaver groans]

Catra: Stop it! It's going to kill you!

Shadow Weaver: It's too late for me. But you, this is only the beginning for you. I am so proud of you, Catra.

Catra: [Crying] No! No!

Adora: [Grabs Catra's hand] Catra?

[Catra looks to Adora and looks back to Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver takes off her mask, it falls to the ground, she smiles at Catra and Adora]

Shadow Weaver: You're welcome. [She turns back to the creature and self destructs into a fiery explosion, engulfing the room and the Creature.]

[Adora kneels on the ground, crying. Catra is standing and crying.The barrier falls]

Catra: Come on. We have to go.

[Adora stands and they hug, as they start walking down the corridor, the camera pans to Shadow Weaver's broken and burnt mask and the environment turns green with Horde Prime's virus]

Scene change

[Huntara leaps, attacking a bot. One of Entrapta's bots moves into frame, The Dryl chefs on top.]

Dryl Chefs: Yeah!

[Camera changes to a Prime clone pushing 2 clones off of a building, the clone transforms into Double Trouble, they smile]

[Camera moves to a group of clones being chased by civilians]

[Camera moves to show this scene playing on Horde Prime's screen]

Horde Prime: Impossible.

Entrapta: You can't control us. You don't understand what makes us strong. And that's why you'll never win.

[Horde Prime clenches fist]

Scene change

Adora: [Grunts]

[Catra tightens grip on Adora, Adora sighs in pain. Both gasp. The camera zooms out to reveal the entirety of the Heart]

Adora: The Heart of Etheria. We made it. [Catra and Adora let go of each other and look at each other, Adora walks towards the Heart and tried to transform, but she can't. She screams and falls backwards into Catra's arms.]

Catra: What is it? What's wrong?

Adora: I don't... I don't know. I can't transform. [The room rumbles and begins to turn green with Horde Prime's virus] It's Prime's virus. It's keeping me from becoming She-Ra.

Catra: What does that mean? Is the Failsafe not going to work without her?

Adora: [The Failsafe glows] No. It'll work. [She looks up at the Heart] Get as far away from here as you can. I have to do this next part on my own.

Catra: Adora, what is going to happen to you?

Adora: Without She-Ra, the magic will destroy me. I'm sorry, Catra. I'm so sorry. [She begins crying] But there's no more time. It has to end here. I can still save everybody. [She walks forward and grabs Catra's head] It's okay. I'm ready.

[Catra grabs Adora's hands as she's pulling them away]

Catra: No.

Adora: Catra...

Catra: No. I'm not leaving. Whatever happens, I am staying with you.

[Adora turns and Catra grasps onto her. They look up at the Heart. Adora screams, and starts to collapse in pain]

Catra: Adora?

[Adora groans in pain.]

Catra: No, no, no, no, no. No! No! [She looks up to see the environment getting more infected with Horde Prime's virus. A bolt of green light come down and strikes the Heart.]

[The camera changes to Horde Prime's ship, the current scene being played on his screen]

Horde Prime: Ah. I can feel it. The Heart is mine!

Entrapta: You can't do this! The Heart's power is too unstable! It will take you and the whole universe with it!

Horde Prime: I have had enough of this chatty little rebel. Dispose of her now. My dominion was perfect. Everything was as it should be. [Hordak looks at Entrapta with hurt in his eyes, powering up his gun, Entrapta looks back at him with disbelief] Everything was as it should be. And so it shall be again. [Entrapta makes a noise of hurt and closes her eyes, she tears up.] Did you not hear me, little brother? Do it now.

[Hordak grunts and turns around, firing his weapon on Horde Prime.]

Hordak: I am not your brother. You made me in your image, but I am more than that. [He walks up and grabs Horde Prime by the neck, dangling him off of the edge] I gave myself a name, I made a life of my own. I made... [He looks at Entrapta and she smiles] a friend. I am Hordak, and, I defy your will. [He drops Horde Prime over the edge, Horde Prime screams]

Entrapta: [squeals] You did it! I knew you could-- [She gasps]

Horde Prime: [Taking over Hordak's body] Ah, little brother. So it's true. [Pushes hair back]You have been thoroughly corrupted. So be it.

Entrapta: No!

Horde Prime: [He grabs Entrapta's hair] You have forced my hand. [He holds her in the hair by her twin tails] I will unleash The Heart, and so we shall die in cleansing flame together! [He snaps and they disappear from the room]

Scene change

[A clone battalion is firing on Netossa's net, with some Rebellion fighters inside. Glimmer is outside of net, attacking clones. Scorpia walks up and attacks clones with her powers, Bow is with her]

Scorpia: Whoo! [She chuckles]

Bow: Glimmer!

Glimmer: Bow!

[They grasp hands and immediately look to see a Horde drill flying in and Horde Prime appearing, Entrapta in hand]

Horde Prime: Rejoice, Etheria, for your end has finally come! You have chosen darkness, [The camera moves to show all of the rebellion fighters grasping onto each other with fear. The camera moves again to show the ground splitting apart] and so, into darkness you shall be plunged. [The sickening green of Horde Prime's virus comes bursting out of the ground] The world shall end in fire.

[Glimmer backs up from the spitting ground in terror into Bow's arms, he clutches her.]

Glimmer: Adora!

Bow: The Failsafe. It didn't work.

Horde Prime: And when the ashes scatter, at last, there will be, peace!

Scene change

[The camera falls to rest on Catra, holding the fallen Adora]

Catra: Adora. Adora, stay awake!

[Adora looks at Catra, and Catra looks up to the Heart]

Adora: I'm sorry.

[Catra touches Adora's face and Adora touches her hand, but it falls weakly back to the ground]

Catra: Adora! Adora! [Catra hugs Adora]

[Adora closes her eyes and the screen fades out. She opens them to see her reflection in a waterfall and gasps. she squints at her reflection. The camera moves to behind her. Her hair is down and she is in a long white dress. The scenery seems to be in Bright Moon's castle, but it is glitching. The door opens and she gasps]

[Glimmer chases Catra into the room with a hair brush.]

Glimmer: Just let me brush it!

Catra: No!

Glimmer: [Laughs]

[Glimmer chases her in a circle around Adora, who looks confused]

Catra: Don't let her touch me. She's gonna torture me.

Glimmer: Do you always have to be this dramatic?

[Bow enters]

Bow: Come on guys. If we are late to Scorpia's first ball she is going to kill us. [He puts his hand around Glimmer's shoulder and she leans into him]

Glimmer: Fine! You're off the hook. This time.

[Catra is hiding behind Adora, she sticks her tongue out at Glimmer. Glimmer and Bow leave the room, Catra starts to leave and turns around, sticking her hand out to Adora]

Catra: You coming?

[Adora smiles and goes to take Catra's hand, but her hand glitches through Catra who transforms into Horde Prime]

Horde Prime: A beautiful wish. But there will be no future. [The once beautiful room gets infected with the sickening green of Horde Prime's virus] Not for you.

[The camera changes to a green room, with future Adora floating in the middle, green restraints grow around her. She screams, struggling and crying, her tears floating up. the background is green and glitchy, she closes her eyes]

Catra: Adora! [Adora opens her eyes. Catra is leaning into the mysterious green room through a brightly lit opening in the ceiling. She is crying] Please! You have to wake up!

[The camera changes to Catra sitting in front of the Heart, holding Adora's body]

Catra: You can't give up. You have never given up on anything in your life. Not even on me.

[The camera changes back to the mysterious green room]

Catra: So don't you dare start now! [She grasps at Adora. Adora's green restraints shatter and she struggles as she reaches back towards Catra, their hands trying to meet one another, but just barely missing.]

Adora: It's too late. I've failed.

[Catra looks back with fear]

Catra: No! No!

[The camera changes to Catra holding Adora's body close to her.]

Catra: I've got you. I'm not letting go.

[The camera changes back to the mysterious green room. Catra keeps reaching and trying to meet hands with Adora, but just missing]

Catra:[Desperately] Don't you get it? I love you. I always have. So please, just this once. Stay! [Catra and Adora finally intertwine hands.]

[The camera changes back to Catra clutching desperately onto Adora's body.]

Catra: Stay.

[The Heart starts flashing and flickering with green lightning, brightening the room. Adora summons her shield and Catra looks back at it with relief.]

Adora: [leans forward and looks at Catra] You...love me?

Catra: You're such an idiot. [She shakes her head. She looks at Adora with surprise. Adora is looking at her with a fond smile on her face]

Adora: I love you too.

[Catra smiles and grabs Adora's head softly.]

[They kiss.]

[The Failsafe starts glowing as Adora and Catra start to glow in rainbow colors and Adora's hair starts to levitate, she transforms into She-Ra.]

Scene change

Horde Prime: Cry, Etheria! Cry for Prime's mercy! [The camera moves to look at Bow and Glimmer, cowering and holding onto each other, and then it moves to see the ground crumbling.] There will be no comfort for you! All the universe will be consumed in undying flame!

[The camera follows the ground collapsing and crumbling right up to the feet of The Rebellion, where it stops.The lighting changes from sickening green to a nice sunlit color, the eruption of green light from the ground stops. The Rebellion look up in wonder as light yellow balls once again start to float through the air.]

[The camera glances up to Horde Prime.]

Horde Prime: [Grunts, and then growls, he lets go of Entrapta's twin tails, and all of his clones look up with wonder and confusion.]

[The camera moves to the glowing silhouette of She-Ra, who is walking towards the battlefield, and with every step, grass, plants and life spring up under her. She shines and comes into view. She smiles, Bow and Glimmer smile back. She looks up at Horde Prime's ship and lifts her sword. It starts glowing immensely and she yells. A giant bolt of light encases Horde Prime's ship, turning it into a humongous sky tree. She sticks her sword in the ground and a wave of life and light comes out from it, covering the whole planet in the life it once possessed. Horde Prime grunts in shock and goes to back up. but he trips, She-Ra walks up.]

Horde Prime: Though all is reduced to rubble, Prime shall rise again. So it has been, and so it always shall be.

She-Ra: No. You're wrong. It's time for you to go. [She grabs his face and looks deep into his eyes. She closes her eyes and a bright yellow light engulfs them She opens her eyes again and they are glowing, Horde Prime's soul erupts from Hordak's body and pops like a balloon.]

[Hordak's eyes glow and he is transported into a flashback. He looks down and he is holding baby Adora. He opens his eyes into the present and gasps, looking into She-Ra's eyes.]

Hordak: I remember you. [She-Ra helps him stand up. Entrapta looks up and gets very excited.]

Entrapta: Hordak! [She hugs him and they spin around in circles from the force] I'm so glad you're back! Oh, we have so much to talk about!

[The camera pans over the whole valley, filled with conversation, love, joy, wonder and best of all, peace.]

[The camera moves to look at Castaspella helping Micah stand up.]

Micah: Glimmer?

Glimmer: Hi, Dad.

Micah: I... You... Hello. I'm your dad!

[Glimmer hugs him.]

Glimmer: Dad.

[The camera moves to look at Spinnerella and Netossa standing together, Spinnerella laughs and Netossa grabs her and dips her, they kiss. Swift Wind walks by, and so do Melog and Emily. The camera looks up to see Scorpia and Perfuma talking, Frosta on Scorpia's shoulders, smiling and laughing.]

Scorpia: Perfuma! Hi. Wow you look... you look great. [She turns around to see a regretful Catra approaching her and she sets Frosta down.]

Catra: Hey, Scorpia. Look, I...[Catra is engulfed in a signature Scorpia hug.] Ooh, there it is!

Scorpia: You know I'm a hugger.

Perfuma: Princess hug! [She hugs Scorpia's back, and Frosta hugs Catra's. They all laugh.]

[The camera transitions to Sea Hawk is carrying Mermista and she is blushing, They are looking into each others eyes. Entrapta and Hordak start to walk by and Mermista looks at them.]

Entrapta: I'm so glad you're here! Oh...

Mermista: So are we all just, like, okay with this?

[The camera moves, and is panning across the rebellion.]

Bow: Look at us now. From capturing you to us now being buddies.

Catra: We did it!

Bow: This is so dope!

[The camera follows She-Ra who is walking out from the group. It flips to look at her front side, and she transforms back into Adora. She smiles as she looks out at the beautiful, colorful Etherian landscape. Bird-like creatures flutter past and the camera changes to look at Etherian animals walking peacefully through the woods.]

[The camera moves to look at the remnants of the Fright Zone (covered in plants) and we see 2 Horde soldiers in suit.]

[The camera moves again to Madame Razz outside her house, sweeping.]

Madame Razz: Ah. You'd be proud, Mara dearie.

[The camera once again changes to Adora, admiring the beautiful view.]

Catra: Adora? [Adora looks back to her and extends her hand. Catra grasps it and walks closer. They touch foreheads, Catra is purring.]

Adora: It's over. He's gone.

Catra: Good riddance.

[The camera backs out, Catra and Adora are touching foreheads, the background of the Etherian landscape is very beautiful. Glimmer and Bow laugh at each other and then yell, tackling Catra and Adora. They all roll down a hill together laughing.]

Bow: So, what are we going to do now?

Adora: We can bring magic back to the universe. What do you guys say to one more Best Friends Squad road trip? [They all stand up and hug.]

Glimmer: I'm in!

Bow: Obviously!

Catra: Of course I'm going with you, dummy.

Adora: Then let's do this. Together.

[The camera pans up to the sky tree and the beautiful Etherian Sky which is twinkling with love and peace, and maybe even a bit of magic.]

(Credits Roll)

See Also: Episode Transcript List

Heart Part 2/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.