Friday, December 22, 2023
Gospel of John - John 11
Homiletics Study: Gospel of John
Lesson 15 Passage: John 11
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Jesus receives word of Lazarus sickness (John 11:1-16) 1. Lazarus was sick and word sent to Jesus to come (1-3) 2. Jesus hearing says not end in death, but God’s Son glorified (4) 3. Jesus loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus (5) 4. Jesus stays two days; telling disciples let’s go back to Judea with response Jews want to stone you (6-8) 5. Jesus provides 12 hours of light parable to disciples (9-10) 6. Jesus tell disciples that He will wake Lazarus (11-13) 7. Jesus declares plainly that Lazarus is dead and going that disciples may believe (14-15) 8. Thomas says “let’s go were going to die” (16) | Jesus arrives asking for belief then calls out Lazarus (John 11:17-45) 1. Jesus arrives and Martha comes to meet Him; Lazarus in tomb 4 days (17-20) 2. Martha says to Jesus “if you were here”, “I know that God will give you what you ask (21-22) 3. Jesus say to Martha “Your brother will rise again” (23) 4. Resurrection and life teaching to Martha with her statement of belief (24-27) 5. Martha tells Mary of Jesus arrival and rushes to meet Jesus weeping (28-32) 6. Jesus moved and asked where Lazarus was laid and wept (33-35) 7. Jews noticed and question why (36-37) 8. Jesus asks for stone to be removed and belief for God’s glory (38-41a) 9. Jesus prayed and then calls out for Lazarus to come out (41b-43) 10. Lazarus came out; Jesus asking to take grave clothes off; bringing belief (44-45) | Jewish leaders decide and plot to kill Jesus to save nation (John 11:46-57) 1. Some go to Pharisee’s to tell what Jesus has done (46) 2. Meeting is called They ask what are we accomplishing, if this goes on temple and country will be taken away (47-48) 3. Caiaphas speaks up saying better for one man to die for the people (49-50) 4. John’s commentary… Jesus would die for children of God making one (51-52) 5. Plot to take Jesus’ life (53) 6. Jesus withdraws from Judea with disciples (54) 7. Almost time for Passover with Jewish leaders looking for Jesus to arrest Him (55-57) |
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Jesus receives word of Lazarus sickness | John 11:1-16 |
Jesus arrives asking for belief then calls out Lazarus | John 11:17-45 |
Jewish leaders decide and plot to kill Jesus to save nation | John 11:46-57 |
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Jesus belief at Lazarus’ death brings resurrection; Jewish plot decided.
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATLT the miracle of Jesus roles the stone of unbelief away bringing eternal life to God’s own who believe
Specific Application Questions
How do you demonstrate that you are “all in for Jesus”? |
Where do you demonstrate your compassion for God’s own? |
How have you seen God’s work behind the scenes? |
Principles to Remember
God’s timing demonstrates his power |
Belief in Jesus is our key to heaven |
Our stuff is not God’s stuff |
Characteristic of God
Jesus is the resurrection and life to those who believe.
Posted bychucktat7:59 AMNo comments:
Friday, December 15, 2023
Gospel of John - John 10
Homiletics Study: Gospel of John
Lesson 14 Passage: John 10
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Access – I am the Gate (John 10:1-10) 1. Entry outside gate is a thief and robber (1) 2. Entry by gate is the shepherd of sheep (2) 3. Gatekeeper opens gate and sheep listen to his voice (3) 4. Gatekeeper goes ahead and sheep follow but don’t follow stranger (4-6) 5. Jesus tells truth: He is the gate for sheep; those who came before are thief’s; sheep don’t listen (7-8) 6. Jesus declares… “I am gate bringing salvation”; thief steals, kills and destroys. (9-10a) 7. Jesus came for life to the full (10b) | Understanding – I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) 1. Jesus shares that He is the Good Shepherd laying down life for sheep (11) 2. He is not a hired hand that abandons sheep when wolf comes (12-13) 3. A Good Shepherd knows and is known by His sheep; laying down life for sheep (14-15) 4. Other sheep must be brought; and will listen to Jesus’ voice creating one flock (16) 5. Father love Jesus because I lay down life of my own accord and will take it up again (17-18) | Belief – I am God’s Son (John 10:19-42) 1. Jews express disbelief and accusations of Jesus (19-21) 2. Jews at Festival of Dedication ask if Messiah tell us plainly (22-24) 3. Jesus responds: I tell you, do Fathers work but don’t believe because you are not my sheep (25-26) 4. Jesus tell them: His sheep hear His voice and follow and Jesus gives eternal life (27-28) 5. Jesus declares He and Father are one (29-30) 6. Jews pick up stones to stone Jesus for blasphemy (31-33) 7. Jesus challenges them scripture can’t be set aside; believe the works and believe oneness with Father (34-38) 8. Jews try to seize Jesus, but He escapes (39) 9. Jesus crosses Jordan with many believing Jesus (40-41) |
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Access – I am the Gate | John 10:1-10 |
Understanding – I am the Good Shepherd | John 10:11-18 |
Belief – I am God’s Son | John 10:19-42 |
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Jesus declaring: Gate, Good Shepherd and His Oneness with Father.
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATLT those who hear and accept Jesus are protected by the Good Shepherd who loves and provides eternal life.
Specific Application Questions
How do you come to Jesus and hear His voice? |
What ways are you learning to listen to Jesus in your hustle and bustle? |
In what ways are you trusting the truth of scripture? |
Principles to Remember
Jesus is our Way |
Jesus’s Words are Truth |
Belief in Jesus brings access to the Father and eternity |
Characteristic of God
Jesus is the good shepherd calling His sheep to experience life eternal
Posted byChuck Townsendat6:00 AMNo comments:
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Gospel of John - John 8
Homiletics Study: Gospel of John
Lesson 12 Passage: John 8
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Testimony of Grace - Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11) 1. Jesus went first to the Mount of Olives; then then to the temple and taught (1-2) 2. Scribes and Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery asking Jesus “the Law commands us to stone such women”, what do you say? (3-5) 3. They were testing Jesus to trap and accuse Him; persisting in the question. (6-7a) 4. Jesus responds with the statement “He who is without sin, let him be the first to throw the first stone” (7b-8) 5. Jesus stoops down and wrote on the ground, the accusers began to go one by one leaving the woman alone (9) 6. Jesus asks the woman, “where are the accusers and condemnation?” (10-11) a. No One; was woman’s response b. Jesus’ response; I don’t either c. Jesus Instructs: Go and sin no more | Testimony of Truth – Father Sent (John 8:12-30) 1. Jesus instructs “I am the Light of the World; followers won’t walk in darkness (12) 2. Pharisee’s challenge Jesus’ testimony about self and truth (13) 3. Jesus responds “He knows where He is going and is true (14) 4. Jesus declares “You judge according to flesh; I am not judging (15) 5. Jesus states judgment is from the Father who sent Him (16-18) 6. Response “Where’s your Father”; If you knew Father, you’d know Me (19-21) 7. Jews review Jesus’ words (22-24) a. Where I go you can’t come b. You from below; I am from above c. You are of world; I am not 8. Jews ask “who are you” (25) 9. Jesus shares: He speaks word of the Father who sent Him cause belief (26-30) a. When Son of Man you will know b. Speak Father’s words c. Do things pleasing to Father | Testimony of Freedom – Spiritual lineage of Faith (John 8:31-59) 1. Knowing and remaining in the truth makes you free indeed (31-36) 2. Abraham descendants are doing what your father would not do (37-40) 3. Jesus states these are children of the devil “father of lies” (41-44) 4. Those of God hear word of Jesus (45-47) 5. Jews challenged Jesus to having a demon with Jesus’ response (48-50) 6. Jesus proclaim that those keeping His word will never see death (51) 7. Jews respond that Jesus can’t be greater than Abraham (52-53) 8. Jesus claim that he was before Abraham; I am (54-59) |
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Testimony of Grace - Woman Caught in Adultery | John 8:1-11 |
Testimony of Truth – Father Sent | John 8:12-30 |
Testimony of Freedom – Spiritual lineage of Faith | John 8:31-59 |
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Adulterous Woman found, Jesus’ glorifying authority brings freedom and life.
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATLT Jesus brings light to the world and His work and words taken to heart bring freedom from the bondage of sin.
Specific Application Questions
How do you respond to God’s graciousness to you? |
In what ways to you seek Jesus daily? |
How do you reflect our Heavenly Father? |
Principles to Remember
God’s Grace is unmerited |
Light of the World is Jesus |
Freedom comes through Jesus |
Characteristic of God
Light and life
Grace, mercy and truth are in Jesus.
Posted bychucktat6:41 AMNo comments:
Friday, November 24, 2023
Gospel of John - John 7
Homiletics Study: Gospel of John
Lesson 11 Passage: John 7
Content (List of Topics or Events)
Jesus’ Appropriate Time (John 7:1-10) 1. Jesus avoided Judea going to Galilee where Jewish leaders desiring to kill him (1) 2. When Festival of Tabernacles near Jesus’ unbelieving brothers suggest He leave so disciples see your works (2-5) 3. Jesus tells them it’s not my time; you go (6-9) a. Not my time, but you can go anytime (6) b. World can’t hate you, but it hates me because I testify to its evil works (7) c. You go; my time has not yet fully come (8-9) 4. After brother left, Jesus went secretly (10) | Jesus’ Teaching Authority (John 7:11-36) 1. Jewish leaders were watch for Jesus (11) 2. Crowds whispered about Jesus for fear of Jewish leaders (12-13) 3. Jesus went to temple courts teaching causing people to be amazed asking about His source (14-15) 4. Jesus shares His teaching from God who sent Him seeking His glory (16-18) 5. Jesus challenges crowd about law keeping and their desire to kill him (19-20) 6. Jesus challenges about miracle and circumcision; judge correctly (21-24) 7. People ask about Jesus wonder if leaders concluded if He is Messiah (25-26) 8. Jesus cries out while teaching “you know me, but don’t know the one who sent me (27-29) 9. Jewish leaders seek to arrest Jesus (30-32) 10. Jesus tells them where I go you will not find me (33-34) 11. Jews ask the meaning (35-36) | Jesus’ Truth challenged (John 7:37-52) 1. Jesus declares in a loud voice “thirsty come and drink… rivers of water will flow within them (27-39) 2. Hearing these words the people say “he is a prophet, others the Messiah, others ask how can a Messiah come from Galilee (40-41) 3. They discuss scripture regarding Messiah coming from Bethlehem (42-44) 4. Temple guards go to priest and Pharisees responding to questions about ceasing Jesus say “No one speaks like Jesus” (45-46) 5. They asked has any leaders believed in Him (47-49) 6. Nicodemus asks does anyone condemn without hearing him? (50-51) 7. The leaders then ask Nicodemus are you from Galilee too, research and you’ll find a prophet does not come from there (52) |
Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)
Jesus’ Appropriate Time | John 7:1-10 |
Jesus’ Teaching Authority | John 7:11-36 |
Jesus’ Truth challenged | John 7:37-52 |
Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)
Tabernacles feast challenges beliefs about Jesus… time, authority and truths
Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)
CTATLT living water comes to those who believe in Jesus; His authority and truth comes from the one who sent Him.
Specific Application Questions
How do you wish to challenge Jesus’s authority? In what ways are you willing to wait on Jesus for His truth in your life? |
In what ways do you allow Jesus’ authority to take priority in your life? |
How are you willing to let Jesus speak truths into your life? You know it takes time and we need to listen. |
Principles to Remember
Jesus comes to us in His time |
Jesus’ authority comes from the Father who sent Him |
Jesus will amaze His followers. |
Characteristic of God
Feast of Tabernacles provides the background for teaching about time, authority and God’s truth.
Posted bychucktat7:53 AMNo comments: