Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)

Saturday, January 21, 2023

2 Chronicles 26-32

Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise - Kingdom Divided

Lesson 16 Passage: 2 Chronicles 26-32

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Judah’s Kings Azariah and Jotham – God’s Faithfulness (2 Chronicles 26-27)

1. Uzziah as King; did right in eyes of Lord in the days of Zechariah - Success (26:1-5)

a. God helped against Philistines and Arabs (26:6-8)

b. Fortified, built towers and cisterns (26:9-10)

c. Assembled an army (26:11-15)

d. Power brought pride and unfaithfulness to Lord (26:16)

e. Entry into sanctuary brings priest challenge, his anger and God’s wrath with curse of Leprosy (26:17-23)

2. Jotham as king; did right in eyes of Lord; people corrupt. (27:1-2)

a. Rebuilt upper gate of temple and built towns in hill country (27:3-4)

b. Waged war with Ammonites conquering them with their payment of silver and grain (27:5)

c. Became powerful because he walked steadfastly with Lord (27:6-9)

Judah’s King – Ahaz – God’s punishment of Unfaithful (2 Chronicles 28)

1. Ahaz; did not do right in eyes of Lord; following ways of Israel (28:1)

a. Made idols for worshiping Baal (28:2)

b. Sacrificed children, detestable practices and offer sacrifices in high places (28:3-4)

2. Israel taken prisoner by King of Aram and Israel (28:5-8)

a. Prophet Obed meets Israel’s army tells of God’s anger; telling to send captive back to Judah (28:9-11)

b. Leaders in Ephraim confront soldiers arriving from war telling not to bring prisoners; guilt before the Lord (28:12-13)

c. Soldier gave up prisoner sending them back (28:14-15)

3. Lord humbles Judah; Ahaz asks Assyria for help from Edomites; they didn’t help (28:16-21)

4. In trouble Ahaz becomes more unfaithful to Lord (28:22-27)

Judah’s King – Hezekiah – Faithfulness to God Rewarded (2 Chronicles 29-32)

1. Hezekiah did right in the eyes of the Lord (29:1-2)

a Hezekiah tells priests to consecrate yourself and the temple (29:3-17)

b. Hezekiah assembles people to sacrifice to the Lord (29:18-28)

c. Hezekiah order to praise and worship the Lord; reestablishing service of the temple (29:29-36

d. Hezekiah celebrates Passover bringing rejoicing in Judah (30)

e. Israelites smashed sacred stones and destroyed high places (31:1)

2. Hezekiah did what was good and right before the Lord

a. Priests and duties (31:2)

b. Tithes (31:3-8)

c. Built store rooms and distribution (31:9-21)

3. Sennacherib of Assyria attacks and laid siege to Judah; sending message to Hezekiah speaking against God (32:1-19

4. Hezekiah and Isaiah pray to the Lord and Lord saves (32:20-23)

5. Hezekiah becomes ill; prays and the Lord saves him (32:24-33)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Judah’s Kings Azariah and Jotham – God’s Faithfulness

2 Chronicles 26-27

Judah’s King – Ahaz – God’s punishment of Unfaithful

2 Chronicles 28

Judah’s King – Hezekiah – Faithfulness to God Rewarded

2 Chronicles 29-32

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Lord responds Judah’s kings faithfulness bringing calamity or prosperity

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Judah’s unfaithful behavior caused separation and calamity; God see’s our faithfulness and answers our prayers.

Specific Application Questions

How does your pride get you into trouble? What part of this pride have you taken to the Lord?

Where do you just go along with others and don’t consider the consequences? Where is your commitment to God in these times?

When it seems impossible, how do you involve God?

Principles to Remember

Pride brings hardship

Our help comes from the Lord

Faithfulness in our reward

Characteristic of God


Leadership can set the mark (example) for faithful devotion to God’s best.

Posted bychucktat10:36 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (1)

Thursday, January 5, 2023


Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise -

Kingdom Divided

Lesson 15 Passage: Hosea

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Hosea’s relationship with his promiscuous Wife (Hosea 1-3)

1. Lord directs Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman Gomer (1:1-2)

2. Gomer conceives three children; Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah and Lo-Ammi (1:3-9)

3. Israel and Judah are to come together as one people called children of Living God – day of Jezreel (1:10-2:1)

4. Adulterous wife (Israel) and children conceived in disgrace

a. Exposed and abandoned (2:2-5)

b. Chase after lovers, but not find them (2:6-7)

c. Didn’t acknowledge source of grain, new wine, or oil (2:8)

d. Result: expose her before lovers, stop festivals, and punish her (2:9-13)

5. In that day:

a. Allured to first love; call God “my husband”; Baals removed from her lips (2:14-17)

b. Covenant in righteousness, justice, love and compassion as Lord is acknowledged (2:18-20)

c. God will respond and show love and they will say “you are my God” (2:21-23)

6. Lord tells Hosea to love wife as Lord loves Israel – Redeeming her and calling to faithfulness (3:1-3)

7. Israel called to faithfully seek the Lord; they will come trembling to Lord and His blessings (3:4-5)

God’s relationship with His promiscuous people; Israel (Hosea 4-13)

1. Charges

a. No faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God (4:1-9)

b. Spirit of prostitution unfaithful to God (4:10-15)

c. Israel is stubborn (4:16-19)

d. Israel is corrupt; God’s wrath will be poured out (5:1-15)

e. Israel in unrepentant and broken covenant; don’t turn to most high (6:1-7:16)

f. Israel has forgotten their maker; he will punish their sings (8:1-14)

4. Punishment

a. Unfaithful to God -Not remain in Lord’s land (9:1-9)

b. Consecrated to idol - Ephraim’s glory will fly away (9:10-14)

c. Wickedness at Gilgal – God reject them because they have not obeyed (9:15-17)

d. Demolish altars (10:1-2)

e. Samaria’s king destroyed (10:3-7)

g. Israel completely destroyed (10:8-15)

6. God’s love for Israel and their lies (11:1-12)

7. God recounts interaction with Judah and contempt (12:1-14)

8.God’s anger with Israel

a. Idol worship – you’ll disappear (13:1-3)

b. Pride – devoured (13:4-8)

c. Rebellion against God (13:9-16)

God’s call to Israel to return for healing and love (Hosea 14)

1. God’s call to return to Him, ask for forgiveness for all our sins (14:1-3)

2. God promises to heal their waywardness and love freely (14:4)

3. Israel will be splendid and flourish (14:5-7)

4. Israel’s fruitfulness comes from the Lord (14:8)

5. Ways for the Lord are right; righteous walk in them (14:9)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Hosea’s relationship with his promiscuous Wife; Gomer

Hosea 1-3

God’s relationship with His promiscuous people; Israel

Hosea 4-13

God’s call to Israel to return for healing and love

Hosea 14

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Hosea calls out Israel’s sin, separation from God and call to return.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT God is a righteous judge calling out for faithful followers and salvation from wrath which will come to those who disobedient

Specific Application Questions

Where are you being unfaithful to God? How have you called upon the Lord forgiveness?

How are you being rebellious to God? What ways are you not wholehearted and faithfully devoted to Him?

Where to you need refreshing shade from the Lord?

Principles to Remember

Love and compassion come from God

Sin deserves punishment

Repentance brings healing

Characteristic of God

Righteous Judge


God judges the unfaithful and calls us to be wholly committed to Him

Posted bychucktat11:25 AM2 comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2)

Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise

Kingdom Divided

Lesson 14 Passage: Joel & Obadiah

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Joel calls out to Judah describing “Day of the Lord” (Joel 1-2:11)

1. Day of the Lord - Tell of the Devastation

a. Hear and Tell to Children – locust devastation (Joel 1:1-4)

b. Wake up drunkards – Invaders will laid to waste to vines (Joel 1:5-7)

c. Mourn for field, ground, grain, new wine and new wine dried up – Joy is withered away (Joel 1:8-12)

2. Day of the Lord – Humble yourselves and pray, put on sackcloth, mourn and fast (Joel 1:13-14)

3. Day of the Lord – Like destruction from the Almighty

a. Food has been cut off, storehouse empty, and no pasture (1:15-18)

b. I call on the Lord for help (1:19-20)

c. Let the land tremble – Comes like an Army (Joel 2:1-5)

d. Nation’s anguish - the earth shakes and heavens tremble; the Day of the Lord is great (Joel 2:6-11)

Joel calls to return to God for restoration, judgment and blessing for God’s people (Joel 2:12-3:21)

1. Return with all your heart (2:12-15)

2. Blow trumpet, fast and pray to Lord to spare His people (2:16-17)

3. Lord’s reply to repentance (2:18- 27)

a. Grain, new wine to satisfy (18-19)

b. Drive the horde from you (20)

c. God has done great things – Don’t be afraid (21-22)

d. Be glad for God is faithful (23-27)

4. Day of the Lord (2:28-32)

a. Your number will be reduced; seek the Lord and live (5:1-6)

b. You pervert justice (7-15)

c. You pervert religious celebrations and worship (16-27)

5. After Day of the Lord

a. God will pour out His Spirit (28-29)

b. God will show wonders in heavens and earth (30-31)

c. All who call on name of Lord will be saved (32)

d. Restore fortunes of Judah (3:1)

6. Gather the nations for judgment

a. Trial for what they did to Israel (3:2-8)

b. Prepare for war the earth and heaven will tremble ,3:9-16a)

7. Lord is a refuge for His people, avenge and promise of Judah and Jerusalem for all generations (3:16b-21)

Obadiah proclaims judgment of Edom (Obadiah)

1. God’s verdict of Edom – Small and despised (1-2)

2. Your pride has deceived you, disaster awaits, allies and friends will deceive and overpower (3-7)

3. Edom’s wise men will not be destroyed (8)

4. Due to the violence against Jacob you will be destroyed forever (9-14)

a. Warriors will be cut down (9)

b. You stood aloof and gloated while Jerusalem was plundered (10-14)

5. Day of the Lord is near – as you have done it will return on you (15-21)

a. Jacob will possess inheritance while Esau will be destroyed (15-18)

b. Others will possess your land (19-20)

c. The kingdom will be the Lords (21)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Joel calls out to Judah describing “Day of the Lord”

Joel 1-2:11

Joel calls to return to God for restoration, judgment and blessing for God’s people

Joel 2:12-3:21

Obadiah proclaims judgment of Edom


Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Day of the Lord judgment described by Joel and Obadiah

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT God is a righteous judge calling out for faithful followers and salvation from wrath which will come to those who disobedient

Specific Application Questions

There is a judgment; Where have you ignored God’s warnings, and what has He required of you?

God is our refuge in times of trouble; How do you need God’s loving support today?

Stand up for righteousness; Where have you failed to stand up for God’s best?

Principles to Remember

God is a righteous judge

God is our refuge

God desires our involvement in holy behavior

Characteristic of God

Our salvation


Day of the Lord is real; our lives will be judged by a righteous Lord.

Posted bychucktat6:28 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (3)

Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.