Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)

Friday, February 23, 2024

Gospel of John - John 17

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 22 Passage: John 17

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Jesus prays for Himself – Glorify and Bring Honor (John 17:1-5)

1. Prayer of Jesus to glorify Son and, in turn, glorify Father (1)

2. Jesus points out the authority to give to follower’s eternal life (2-3)

3. Jesus points to glory he brought on earth by finishing the work sent to do (4)

4. Jesus ask for glory in Father’s presence that He had from the beginning of the world (5)

Jesus prays for Disciples – Unity and Protection (John 17:6-19)

1. Jesus tells of disciples given to Him… They are yours, they obeyed your word, know You are source of all (6-8)

2. Jesus’ prayer for disciples who belong to the Father and they bring glory (9-10)

3. Jesus prays as disciples will remain in world, protect them by power of Your name, keep them safe and let’s not lose them (11-12)

4. Jesus prays for their joy as He is coming to Father (13)

5. Jesus prays they have God’s word; the world hates them protect them from the evil one. (14-16)

6. Jesus prays that they be sanctified in truth as they as sent into the world (17-18)

7. The world will know Jesus was from the Father and your love for them as you love me (19)

Jesus prays for Future Believers – Oneness and Making God Known (John 17:20-26)

1. Prayer for those who believe through disciples’ message to be one (20-21)

2. Prayer for complete unity so the world will know that Father has sent Jesus in love for them (22-23)

3. Jesus’ prayer for followers to be with Him in glory (24)

4. Jesus as He has made the Father known so that Father’s love is in them (25-26)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Jesus prays for Himself – Glorify and Bring Honor

John 17:1-5

Jesus prays for Disciples – Unity and Protection

John 17:6-19

Jesus prays for Future Believers – Oneness and Making God Known

John 17:20-26

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus' prayer to glorify Father; follower protection, sanctification and oneness.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT prayer is foundational to our faith; Jesus prayed that He glorify Father for our protection, to reflect Him making Jesus’ love known to the world

Specific Application Questions

How do you pray for your ability to bring honor to the Lord?

How do you pray for other followers in their faith?

How do you pray for opportunities to make Jesus known in the world?

Principles to Remember

Prayer connects us to the Lord

Prayer brings unity with the Lord’s desires for us.

Prayer points us to our mission to reflect Jesus to others.

Characteristic of God

Our everlasting glory


Prayer is the key to heaven and our Faith in Jesus work on our behalf is the foundation.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gospel of John - John 15:26-16:33

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 21 Passage: John 15:26-16:33

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Testimony of the Spirit of Truth – From Father (John 15:26-16:15)

1. When advocate comes sent by Jesus from Father will testify about Jesus and disciples must as well (26-27)

2. Jesus shares so disciples will be faithful and not fall away (16:1)

a. You’ll be put out of synagogue and kill thinking they are doing God’s service (16:2)

b. Those that do this don’t know Father or Jesus (16:3)

c. Jesus provides warning about persecution (16:4)

3. Jesus tells disciples again that he is going to one who sent Him (16:5-7a)

4. Advocate will come when Jesus by Jesus to prove world wrong about sin, righteousness and judgment (16:7b-11)

5. When Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide in truth and what is to come (16:12-13)

6. Spirit of Truth will glorify and make known what He receives from Jesus (16:14-15)

In a little while Joy Complete – Jesus going to Father (John 16:16-24)

1. Jesus says to disciples in a little while you will see me no more and then you will see me (16)

2. Disciples ask what does “a little while” mean (17-18)

3. Jesus explains the meaning: (19)

a. They will weep as world rejoices (20-21)

b. They will grieve for a little while and then rejoice and no one will take away your joy (22)

4. In that day the Father will give anything you ask in Jesus’ name… Ask and receive – Joy (23-24)

In Jesus we have peace – Plain talk about Father (John 16:25-33)

1. Time is coming when Jesus will talk plainly about Father (25)

2. Ask the Father in Jesus name; the Father loves you because you love Jesus (26-27)

3. Jesus share that He came from Father and is returning to Father (28)

4. Disciples say they understand and believe Jesus came from God (29-30)

5. Jesus replies “Do you now believe?”, you’ll be scattered and I’ll be alone with Father (31-32)

6. Jesus shares that He told the disciples so that they will have peace in the world. Jesus has overcome the world (33)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Testimony of the Spirit of Truth – From Father

John 15:26-16:15

In a little while Joy Complete – Jesus going to Father

John 16:16-24

In Jesus we have peace – Plain talk about Father

John 16:25-33

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus tells of coming Advocate; Joy when Jesus overcomes World

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT the Spirit of Truth glorifies Jesus and the Father. Our prayers to the Father are in name of Jesus and through them we have joy and peace.

Specific Application Questions

In what ways are you listening to the Spirit of Truth in your life?

How is joy being expressed in your life? Where do others see your Joy in Jesus?

Where do you find peace? How does your conversations with Jesus bring joy or does it? What needs to change for joy?

Principles to Remember

Spirit of Truth guides

Our Joy comes through Jesus

Love of Jesus connects us to God’s peace

Characteristic of God



Belief brings us belonging while the Spirit of Truth speaks plainly of the glory found in Jesus.

Posted byChuck Townsendat7:17 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2)

Friday, February 9, 2024

Gospel of John - John 15:1-25

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 20 Passage: John 15:1-25

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Vine and Branches – Remain in Jesus; source of fruit bearing. (John 15:1-8)

1. Jesus states that He is the Vine and Father is gardener (1)

a. Father prunes unfruitful branches so that plant is more fruitful (2)

b. Jesus states to disciples remain in Me and I in you to bear fruit (3-4)

2. Jesus states He is the Vine and disciples are branches; remain in Me and you’ll bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing (5)

a. If you don’t remain, you are like branches picked up, thrown away and burnt. (6)

b. If you remain, Jesus words remain, ask and it will be given (7)

3. Father’s glory is in bearing much fruit as Jesus’ disciples (8)

My Command – Remain in Love; Love each other. (John 15:9-17)

1. As Father loved, so Jesus loves disciples; remain in Jesus’ love (9)

a. If you keep Jesus commands like Jesus has kept Father’s commands, you’re in Jesus’ love (10)

b. Jesus’ joy in disciples and be complete (11)

c. Jesus’ command is to love each other as Jesus loved you; all on the line for friends (12-13)

2. Jesus states disciples are friends if you do what He commands (14)

a. Disciples no longer servants but friends; Jesus has shared what He learned from Father (15)

b. Disciples did not choose Jesus, but Jesus chose them to go and bear fruit that will last (16a)

3. Whatever disciples as in Jesus’ name the Father will give. (16b)

4. The command: Love each other (17)

The World Hates – Does not know Jesus; without excuse. (John 15:18-25)

1. If world hates you, it hated Jesus first (18)

2. If you belonged to the world, it would love you (19a)

3. I have chosen you out of world and this is the reason it hates you (19b)

4. Servants are not greater than master; persecution will come; you are treated this way because of me (20-21)

5. World has no excuse for sin, because Jesus came and spoke (22)

6. Whoever hates Jesus hates the Father (23-24)

7. The world hates without reason (25)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Vine and Branches – Remain in Jesus; source of fruit bearing.

John 15:1-8

My Command – Remain in Love; Love each other.

John 15:9-17

The World Hates – Does not know Jesus; without excuse.

John 15:18-25

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Fruit bearing followers remain in Jesus and love each other.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT abiding in Jesus is joy; our friendship with Him produces kingdom fruit as we love others reflecting His love for us.

Specific Application Questions

How are your words reflective of Jesus and bring glory to God?

In what ways does your friendship with Jesus, result in lasting fruit?

What is your reaction to hearing that Jesus chose us? How do these words cause you to love Jesus even more?

Principles to Remember

Remaining in Jesus is source of strength

Jesus followers are His Friends

We are chosen by God

Characteristic of God

Source of Strength


Loving one another brings Joy to the Father and our source of strength is through abiding Jesus.

Posted bychucktat7:03 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (3)

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Gospel of John - John 14:15-31

Homiletics Study: Gospel of John

Lesson 19 Passage: John 14:15-31

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Spirit of Truth: Your Advocate (John 14:15-20)

1. If you love Jesus, keep His commands (15)

2. Jesus will ask for a forever advocate; the world won’t know (16-17)

3. Disciples won’t be orphans (18a)

4. Disciples will see Jesus, because Jesus lives we will live (18b-19)

5. The one who loves Jesus keeps His commands and Father will love them (20)

Holy Spirit: Your Help (John 14:21-26)

1. Whoever has commands and keeps them loves Jesus and will be love by Father (21)

2. Judas asks “why you intend to show yourself to us and not world. (22)

3. Jesus says “anyone loves and obeys we will come and make home with them”; others will not obey. (23-24a)

4. Words spoken belong to the Father who sent Jesus (24b-25)

5. Advocate, Holy Spirit will remind you and teach all that Jesus said (26)

Belief: Your Peace (John 14:27-31)

1. Jesus declares peace that will calm the heart… Don’t be troubled and afraid. (27)

2. Jesus shares He is going away and will come back to disciples; going to greater Father (28)

3. Jesus describes events before they occur for them to believe (29)

4. Jesus tells disciples that the prince of world is coming but has no hold (30)

5. World may learn of Jesus love for Father and does exact as Father commanded (31)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Spirit of Truth: Your Advocate

John 14:15-20

Holy Spirit: Your Help

John 14:21-26

Belief: Your Peace

John 14:27-31

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Jesus describes Advocate for commands keepers bringing knowledge and peace.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT those who love Jesus and keep His commands and obtain God’s truth with our Advocate sent from the Father.

Specific Application Questions

In what ways are you demonstrating your love for Jesus? How does the Holy Spirit provide support?

As you learn more about God’s truth, in what areas to you realize the Holy Spirit teaches this truth?

How do you experience the Holy Spirit in times of trouble?

Principles to Remember

Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth

Holy Spirit is our Guide

Holy Spirit brings Peace

Characteristic of God

Our Advocate


Jesus is not leaving us as orphans but will ask the Father to send our guide; the Holy Spirit

Posted byChuck Townsendat7:02 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (4)

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.